
Open Your Heart To Those In Need


❖The provision of services that contribute towards long-term sustainable peace and development in Afghanistan.  

❖Delivering assistance during food emergency to most vulnerable populations wherever they are in a timely manner,

❖transformative actions that strengthen the resilience and livelihoods of individuals and communities,

❖Support local economies of women headed households thus contributing to the long- term development ensuring saving lives and changing lives.

❖To provide educational opportunities for Afghan children, specifically for war – affected, demobilized children, returnees and other vulnerable.

❖To focus on children rights and create awareness in the community awareness of health, drug, education, training to the families of the mention villages.


❖To carry out community-focused and community involved sustainable development and to deliver and/or assist with basic needs such as health, health education, clean water and primary education.

❖To render services in the capacity building sectors, specifically educational and vocational trainings, and other basic social requirements. 

❖To contribute to the alleviation of human rights and provision of basic social services to vulnerable people of Afghanistan.

❖  To help with war-affected, demobilized, street children and provide them with health education, basic education training, vocational training. Until get employment.

❖  To help with war-affected, demobilized, street children and provide them with health education, basic education training, vocational training. Until get employment.

❖  To create a job environment for Afghan people, especially those women who are responsible for supporting their families.



❖  To create a job environment for Afghan people, especially those women who are responsible for supporting their families.

❖  To create a job environment for Afghan people, especially those women who are responsible for supporting their families.




Afghan Development Foundation Office is working and having specialities in the following sectors. sectors:

Livelihood Resilience Building


Livelihood Resilience Building

With a focus on developing and strengthening the capacity of population and communities in rural areas with close collaboration of local NGOs, local shuras and associations. The service in the field include: promoting and facilitating the active participation of women, youth, vulnerable groups, disabled people and poor in livelihood activities.

Food Security

With an objective to fight and end hunger in Afghanistan. The service in field include: reaching most vulnerable populations wherever they are during food emergency.

Gender-based Projects


Gender-based Projects

Covering women empowerment and food security of women headed households. The service in the field include; training and supporting local economies of women headed households thus contributing to the long-term development and creating a resilient livelihood.

Humanitarian Projects


Humanitarian Projects

Material or logistical assistance to group of people and communities in need of aid. Among those affected by flood, conflict, natural disasters and poverty.

Land Acquisition and Resettlement Planning (LARP)



Implementation of LARP projects for developmental sectors such as; highways and transmission lines. The service in the field includes; Socio-economic Survey, Feasibility Study, Topographical Survey, Geological Survey: Resettlement Planning, Environmental Study, Environmental Preservation Activities, Tree Management Plan (TMP), De-forestation, Grievances Redress, Compensation Payments, Determination of Rights of Land for Affected Households, Public Consultation and Information.

Feasibility Study


Feasibility Study

Specific studies for feasibility study of projects in developmental sectors. The service in the field include; Provision of Historical Background for the project/site, Description of the Location, Situational Analysis, Details of the Operations and Management, National Policies on the subject, International Standards on the subject, Financial Data and Legal Requirements.

Third-Party Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy

Third-Party Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy


Specific studies for feasibility study of projects in developmental sectors. The service in the field include; Provision of Historical Background for the project/site, Description of the Location, Situational Analysis, Details of the Operations and Management, National Policies on the subject, International Standards on the subject, Financial Data and Legal Requirements.

Open Your Heart To Those In Need